Just confirms the fact that WII is the best console along with PSP best for handheld!!!..case closed!!
May 2, 2008 - There's no stopping Mario Kart over in
Japan. In its third week of sales, the Wii title sold an additional
151,918 units, placing it at the top of Media Create's software chart
for the week covering 4/21 to 4/27.
Just as Mario Kart has remained fixed in the top software spot, the PSP has done the same with hardware. Sony sold another 92,411 units of the portable this week, beating the Wii's 48,796 units and DS Lite's 42,435 units combined. The PS3 got a slight boost to 9,107 units. Below it were PS2 at 7,108 units and Xbox 360 at 1,283 units.
May 2, 2008 - There's no stopping Mario Kart over in
Japan. In its third week of sales, the Wii title sold an additional
151,918 units, placing it at the top of Media Create's software chart
for the week covering 4/21 to 4/27.
Just as Mario Kart has remained fixed in the top software spot, the PSP has done the same with hardware. Sony sold another 92,411 units of the portable this week, beating the Wii's 48,796 units and DS Lite's 42,435 units combined. The PS3 got a slight boost to 9,107 units. Below it were PS2 at 7,108 units and Xbox 360 at 1,283 units.
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